The Painter is Inside The Picture

Sevda Çelik
2 min readNov 17, 2022

Life is a big great canvas, throw all the paint you can on it -Danny Kaye

We are all Painters of our Lives

We all were born in a strange world that simply stands in the blank and is surrounded by stars and amazing unknown limitlessness.

As if that were not enough, some of us were born with burdens on our own shoulders, like underprivileged families, in a bigoted society, and religion.

I didn’t intend to offend you. What I’d like to clarify is that we might feel like we don’t belong or are not suited wherever we were born.

This is the point where our perspective comes out.

Yes, still have the brush and colors at your hand to flourish your lives. Neither give in nor gloss over it, embrace and recognize it with all its flaws and beauties.

Even the color you consider to not suit you, as combined with other colors brings the probability of amazing colors that beautify your life.

Photo by ÉMILE SÉGUIN ✳️✳️✳️ on Unsplash

You are Vincent Van Gogh.

You are inside a canvas called life simultaneously you are a painter. 🧑‍🎨Your choices, tons of hurdles that we came across, and perception are the colors and tools of your life to build a life.

Many of us pass the buck to external elements and find ourselves making a sentence that starts with “what if”. Rather than focusing on undetermined conditions, concentrating on what you have enables you to alter your life. “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade” is cliché but this is utterly wisdom.

️Besides, We consider people who have a better life as fortunate. The equation of “good life = luck” seems unrealistic to me. Unless you’re determined adequately, you run out of excuses to build life ask for.

Life circle is identical to some extent for each individual as well as lessons. Everybody has a dark side to life and went through tough days. In the big picture, this is the part of life that forms completeness with vivid colors.

To summarise:

✓ Open your heart and built your life with whatever gifts of life.

✓ Make use of all tools you have.

✓ If you are determined, life opens the all doors that are best for you.

✓ A Beautiful painting doesn’t mean that there is no darkness.

Thanks for reading



Sevda Çelik

🕊️ Mostly write poems, creative story and general thoughts.