Change your mindset if you are…
Not taking responsibility for your actions:
Passing the buck to families or finding out unrealistic reasons are pretty straightforward, it seems to me that it is far tougher to take personal responsibility for our own actions. Of course, While considering finding the reasons for our wrong choices and mistakes, We are prone to pass the buck to someone else.
But don’t be tougher on yourself and be realistic with yourself..
The important point we passed is that It is understandable to take an unwise decision under the stress. The idea is that whatever outcome it is, look for its positive side.
Maybe it is a cliche but it is truly right that learning from mistakes is the best teacher ever.
Attempting to be all things to all people:
“Be unique. Be different. Give to others what you want yourself. And do what you were made to do” Robert T. Kiyosaki
As human beings innately want to be loved and love someone. But being loved is not related to turning into someone else and giving up your own authentic personality to make others love us.
One who has this mentality might lead to difficulty in not saying no to others in the name of gaining confirmation and love.
In order to be loved neither do you have to give up yourself or say yes to anything that is not willing to do instead of concentrating on something literally important for you.
Determined to change someone who haven’t the desire:
Changing yourself and breaking the habit is tough for an individual who has been building them for a long time. It requires you to be dedicated to your goals Which is why not possible to obtain them by force of someone else.
As an observer, you are able to be a mirror for the one you loved to show the reality of him/her. Whatever the situation is, Your duty is to just company him/her without judgment.
Afraid to take risks due to other’s thoughts:
It is self-evident that life is already full of risks and uncertainties.
Starting from scratch and taking radical decisions is much more fearsome to some extent but if the reason behind is related to others’ thoughts, that is a problematic perspective.
If you are ready to cope with dangers or hurdles you come across, regardless of the outcome of the risk, there is no point in thinking people’s thoughts.
“I care not what others think of what I do, but I care very much about what I think of what I do! That is the character! Theodore Roosevelt.
There is a lot to say about it, ı don’t like to extend the list. The important keys are to have self-esteem and become realistic while making up your mind.
I ı would be glad to know your thought on it.
Thanks :))